Flying over Dragonblight from Dalaran towards Kaluak Harbor, I feel the winds under my wings and look down, by doing so I suddenly recall the times I ran back and forth in Mulgore. Travelling by foot from Bloodhoof village and up to Thunder Bluff, then back to Bloodhoof again. If I earned one gold for each minute I've spent running by foot in this game... well I guess you can imagine.
I started my adventures with my druid a long time ago, with two of my best friends. I've played many classes and with different races, but nothing stuck to me like the druid class did. I guess I like the versatility, the beauty of the hybrid.
So what classes did I play before? Well, in the open beta I played a rogue and got it up to around 16. Me and my friends spent most our time fishing in Goldshire, we thought it to be fun and why not enjoy the games lesser sides when you have the time. Our characters would die and disappear with the beta version of the game anyway. At least that was our reasoning, and we had lots of fun.
The first character however was a troll shaman, it was quite fun. Until I realized that using ankh would give me resurrection sickness for ten minutes. After that I tried the rogue again, it worked well on the beta. The thing was, in vanilla, our server had a pretty high percentage of rogues. Our Molten Core raids were filled with at least ten rogues. I was'nt bothered at first but I'll admit that it did contribute to the reason why I quit playing with my rogue.
I tried priest, warlock, hunter, shaman (again, yes, but not until after tbc).
After that I rolled a druid. It was like a whole new game for me then, I could tank, dps, save some healing gear and spec resto. It was breathtaking, the number of choices I had. And from all those different types of game-play, tanking stuck with me. It simply never got boring, with different groups came different challenges. Sometimes they used crowd control, sometimes you had to tank it all, no room for mistakes. And wow did I make mistakes, but with each mistake I learned something new.
After Wrath of the Lich King and dinging 80, I must've learned just as much, if not more, then I learned at level 70. New skills, new patches, swipe no longer restricted to three targets! Crazy!
And then, swipe hits everything in 360 degrees!
It's been a lot of changes and more to come with Cataclysm for sure. Thats all the time I have right now, have to get going to Kaluak Harbor and get my Dragonfin Anglefish! Just going to alt-tab back and start my fishing!
Oh shi.......
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