Bears that likes beer

Beardventures in World of Warcraft

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Druid tanks rejoice!

It's finally here! The preview of the druid class changes in Cataclysm, but of course Blizzard tells us that it's just a preview and anything here are subject to change.

First off, something that blew my mind, THRASH FOR TRASH!
This awesome ability will work in harmony with Swipe, so now instead of just spamming Swipe on everything except bosses, you can work in Thrash to make Swipe even more effective on trash! Get it? Thrash for trash... *eerie silence*... eh.. uhum yeah erh.. Lets move on!

So Thrash gives us a 6 second bleed effect on everything within 10 yards, it will tick once each 2 seconds. And supposedly this will affect Swipe to deal more damage as well. It remains to be seen if you will rotate with Thrash > Swipe > Swipe > Trash, or if (as I hope it will be) the timing will be so you can afford three swipes between each thrash to maximize damage and still not lose threat or damage by letting Thrash deplete it's duration. I know, I know its too early for theorycrafting but I can't stop thinking of how to best use these new skills in my tank rotation.

This is just the beginning, Stampeding Roar, a new shout for both bear and cat form. It increases the movement of all allies within 10 yards by 40% for 8 seconds. It will have a 3 minute cooldown or even lower for bears using talents to reduce it. Stampeding Roar sounds like it will have a lot of usefulness to the entire raid, not the least to melee classes close to the tank. For example, Rotface encounter, unstable explosion, POW Stampeding roar and everyone gets away faster. Putricide, just so many situations when it could be of perfect use, if you have ever done that encounter I think you can imagine the possibilities. But the thing that got me thinking was first of all the use of it right at the pull. Everyone gathers up and just charges in (while bears use charge to the pull, a paladin OT in cases like Marrowgar or Blood Queen have to run, which takes some time) when the druid pops Stampeding Roar and everyone gets to their positions really fast, not the least melee who most often have to wait for the tanks to pull before getting into position. And that is far from all, I mean, there is no end to the possibilities!

I'm a bit jealous that balance druids get Wild Mushroom though, like a time bomb or trigger trap, I mean come on! That is awesome! But we druid tanks get a lot more tools to use, Blizzard are going to give us ferals a reliable interrupt! WITH NO GLOBAL COOLDOWN! Damn, so what our 1 minute cooldown bash in bearform that is affected by global cooldown (written as GCD from now on, for short) was not good enough? Two talent points and it sinks to 30 seconds... but really? The sacrifice is too big. But with a interrupt like the rogues kick that is off the GCD, we can be relied on just as much as warriors or paladins or even dk's to interrupt something. How I have longed for something like this!

Did I mention they are updating the graphics for tree-form? They plan on making it a form in which you can still see the race you play as, and maybe even to show a bit of what gear you have on and not to make you as a plain tree as before. This is exciting but again, jealous :( . I want bear armor, but I understand that it will probably take maybe another five years before that comes up :) .

The feral tank tree will offer us Damage reduction, Vengeance and Savage Defense, now you already know about two of them but what is Vengeance? Simply put, it will give us a kick in tps to lower the chance of dps with awesome gear out-tpsing us. It will be done by giving the tank a stacking attack power buff for each hit he/she takes. That buff will be equal of 5% of the damage done by that hit, up to a maximum of 10% of the characters unbuffed health. This will of course require that we spend 51 talent points in our feral tree. And it only applies in bear form. It seems however that all tanks will have this Vengeance skill and considering Blizzard will continue to give druid tanks gear with more damage dealing stats just as before, this Vengeance thing will probably benefit us the least. But hey, I take that as a compliment, it just means we don't need that extra help.

Hmm, I dont have a nice finish here. What to do...
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